
Handcrafted Pastel Rose Heart Bouquet

A stunning heart of pink, white, and pastel roses, crafted with special care by our florist.

Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: IT-375
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Milan flowers  -  Heart of White and Colorful Pink Roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Handcrafted Pastel Rose Heart Bouquet

  • Stunning heart arrangement of pink, white, and pastel roses
  • Ideal for romantic occasions or special celebrations
  • High-quality roses in a beautiful color palette
  • Perfect gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or birthdays
  • Carefully arranged to ensure freshness and beauty
  • Customizable to meet your preferences and needs
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